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The template generation process involves creating output structures based on a specified layer and associated features. This process is orchestrated by the TemplateGenerator class, which is responsible for producing templates to an output stream. The entire operation is driven by the Layer data model, representing the metadata of a specific layer with configured features and attributes.

  • Layer - Represents the metadata of a specific layer.
  • TemplateProcessor - Prepares the template structure from the passed metadata.
  • TemplateGenerator - Generates the template to the specified output stream.
  • Output Structure - The resulting template streamed to the chosen output destination (File, Zip, Database, etc.).


A layer represents a distinct aspect of your project, such as Frontend, Backend, Testing, etc. In Kotli, even the top-level project is considered to be a layer. This is because, in general, and in the future, it can be part of a more complex system.

Layer attributes:

  • id - a unique identifier to distinct this layer from others.
  • name - represents the root folder of the generated layer.
  • namespace - the package name, bundle id, or application id, depending on the context.
  • processorId - the id of the processor used to resolve in the template registry.
  • description - a brief description of the layer.
  • layers - child layers, if applicable.
  • features - features to be included in the layer.

Feature attributes:

  • id - a feature identifier used to find a processor responsible for including or excluding this feature.
  • attributes - input attributes to be used by the processor to customize the feature.


This class is responsible for transforming an input Layer into a set of rules not bound to any specific output structure. The created set of rules is utilized by TemplateGenerator to construct an output structure from the given template, including only the required functionality. Each template is associated with its own TemplateProcessor, and each TemplateProcessor operates exclusively with a single template.

The high level relationships:

  1. TemplateContext: Represents the execution context for a template. It retains the passed Layer object and accumulates a set of rules to manipulate the initial template structure.
  2. TemplateProcessor: Responsible for processing template.
  3. FeatureProvider: Represents a registry of feature processors with common behavior.
  4. FeatureProcessor: Responsible for creating rules in TemplateContext to apply or remove a given feature in the generated structure.
  5. Rule: Responsible for modifying some specific file in the template.


It is an essential part of every template processor. Each rule is responsible for making specific changes to a particular file in the template. However, it is not tied to any file it modifies. The engine implements some common rules for file manipulation, and it is possible to create new ones with any logic to operate with template generation more powerfully.


The template generator is utilized to generate the necessary output structure, such as a File, Zip, Database, etc. Usually, there's no need to create other implementations of this class. However, the solution is designed to be flexible, allowing the creation of any other type of output structure if necessary.

The high level relationships:

  1. TemplateRegistry: Provides TemplateGenerator with all required template processors.
  2. TemplateGenerator: Responsible for producing an output stream from passed metadata. It is associated with:
    • Creation of a TemplateContext from the passed Layer.
    • Processing metadata using set of required TemplateProcessor.
  3. TemplateContext: Represents the execution context for a template.
  4. TemplateProcessor: Responsible for processing templates.

In general, the whole template generation flow looks like this:

The Engine provides out-of-the-box implementations of generators for various output streams and purposes.


This is the most common implementation, generating the output structure in the provided output folder. By default, the target folder is set as the root directory in an in-memory file structure implementation. It utilizes the provided TemplateRegistry to access template processors.


This implementation consumes the output structure from the underlying generator and saves it as a zip archive into the provided output stream.


This implementation consumes the output structure and proceeds with the execution of command-line commands, treating the generated structure as a Gradle project. It executes a given set of commands as arguments for the gradlew command. The generation process will only be considered complete after the successful execution of the provided Gradle commands.


Keep in mind that the provided generator should produce a file structure on physical storage, ensuring that commands can be executed properly.